I am with you and I will watch over you wherever you go, and i will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what i have promised you."
- Genesis 28:15
Along the way, we will find ourselves at one time or another in the realm of discouragements, pressures one every side, persecution, ridicule, threat. But it's comforting to know that God is always at work in our lives and never will He leave us until He's done what He promised. So whenever we feel like God has already left us alone, let's first ask ourselves, "Has God fulfilled all that He has promised me?" If the answer is NO, then it's not dead end yet. We're never alone. He must be busy fixing the details of our lives...we just have to obey and submit to His will.
Like Jacob, when he received that revelation at Bethel, the first thing he did was to acknowledge God's presence in his life; then he made a commitment to the Lord. So must we. When it's dead-end zone, the only thing that drivers do is to reroute himself back. However, life has no returning point. But the way out is much easy...it's just on our knees.
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