But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? (James 2: 18-20)
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (v. 26)
I have encountered couple of believers who argued as to what this verses mean. Some say Faith + Work = Salvation. Others Faith alone saves, and still others it's all in our Work. Paul is clear when he wrote to the Ephesians that salvation is of Grace, it is not of our own work lest none of us should boast. It's an unmerited favor to which we should be grateful - we don't deserve it but the Father so lavished His love for us that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the final atonement and redeem us once and for all.
In his book, James was speaking to the believers [including us, the new generation] about practically living our lives the way Christian should. A life of Faith that develops. He was straight-forward in dealing with the content of his letter, an instruction that we should not neglect. As it is, plenty of people claim to have faith, to have known God and know what Christ did at the cross. But how about a relationship with Him?
It is an exciting and exhilarating experience to know God. However, after knowing how God loves us, how He so lavished His unconditional love and prepared an abundant blessing and a great future for us, what comes next? I've heard this line that says, "It takes a pulse to fall in love, but it takes a plan to stay in love." I dare replace the "Pulse" with "EMOTION" and the "Plan" with "CONVICTION". To say it, "It takes an Emotion to Fall in Love, but it takes a Conviction to Stay in Love." Just the same with our relationship with Christ, we are at first so emotionally drawn to the fellowship, to the people, to the church, but if we haven't gone to be convicted, the word will not penetrate and will lose its power to change us. (See Parable of the Sower, Matt. 13:1-23)
If there is one person in the Bible who is remarkable in dealing with the passion he had for Jesus Christ, it's none other than Zacchaeus. (Luke 19:1-9) A person of short stature, of influence for his wealth, despised by his fellow men for being a tax collector, and most of all an empty soul yearning to know Jesus Christ. But just like Zacchaeus, we will experience hindrances that will test our commitment to Christ.
Zacchaeus got into all these two hindrances, but he never excused himself. Instead, he transformed his PASSION to know Christ into strategic ACTION. Potential can be very useless unless it becomes a Kinetic Energy. So what he did was, he RAN ahead, and CLIMB! Knowing Christ entails our effort because God will not reveal Himself through just dreaming! We have to make a move. We have to court Him! We have to know His very intentions, what breaks Him, what He ever wanted for us.
However, after overcoming these two great hindrances, still another stood to shake him:
3. The Antagonists (v.7). People were mumbling, "He [Jesus] has gone to be the guest of a sinner." Not only did Zacchaeus suffered the disadvantage of being not blessed with a growth hormones and the crowd, he experienced the people's judgmental look! Dear friends, walking with Christ is not a bed of roses and so is walking without Him. But let's ask ourselves, which extremes do we prefer, a life of thorns with Christ or a life of thorns without Him? A life of Joy in Christ or a flickering happiness with the world?
Take a good CHEER! We are NEVER in the Losing End!
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